MSK04 - Kawthaung Base 6 Days

Tours of Mergui Princess

Kawthaung - Taung La Bo Island - 115 Island - Myauk Ni Island - ThaYae Island - Kawthaung

Kawthaung - Taung La Bo Island - 115 Island - Nga Man Island - KyaunPhila Island - Myauk Ni Island - ThaYae Island - Kawthaung

Kawthaung - Taung La Bo - 115 Island - 254 Beach - 256 Bay - Nga Man Island - Kyun Phila - Myauk Ni Island - Thay Yae Island - Kawthaung

Kawthaung - Taung La Bo - 115 Island - Nga Man Island - Kyun Phila - 254 Beach - Salet Galet Island - Marble Island - Duyar Islet - Mergui Island - Myeik

Myeik - Mergui Island - Duyar Islet - Marbel Island - Salet Galet - 254 Beach - 256 Creek - Nga Man Island - 115 Island - Taung La Bo - Kawthaung

Kawthaung - Kyet Mauk I (Cock’s Comb) - Say Tan I (Dunkin I) - Nyaung Oo Phee I - Kha Yin Gwa (Maclcod I - Lei Ywei Lay Lone (Cock Burn ) - Rhino Horn Island - Myauk Nee I (N.Phipps) - Thay Yee Island - Kawthaung

- There are 5 people in my group, how will you arrange cabins/hotels for us
- When the low water season in Mekong
- Any cruise crossing border between Laos and Cambodia
- When is the best time to take cruise in Mekong River
- Is it safe to travel on Mekong River?
- It shown up the different cruise to the one I have booked, what'd happened
- Why others on the same cruise paid and get the different services and prices to us