Downstream: Mandalay Pagan Packet 8 days
A fabulous way to discover the mighty Irrawaddy River aboard a Pandaw with up to two weekly departures between the historic royal capitals with two nights moored at Pagan and three at Mandalay as well as exploring small towns and villages of lost Burma in between. Exceptional value for money with no single supplement on many selected departures!
Tours of Pandaw Myanmar
Mandalay - Yandabo - Pagan - Magwe - Minhla - Prome - KaukTaung - Danupyu - Twante
Prome - Thayetmyo - Magwe - Sale - Tan-Chi-Taung - Pagan - Yandabo - Mandalay - Mingun -
Mandalay - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Ava - Pagan
Pagan - Yandabo - Amarapura - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Mandalay
Homalin - Toungdoot - Sitthaung - Mawlaik - Mingkin - Monywa - Phowin Taung - Monywa
Monywa - Phowin Taung - Cruising - Mingkin - Mawlaik - Sitthaung - Toungdoot - Homalin
Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mingun. - Mandalay -
Mandalay - Ava - Yandabo - Pakokku - Pagan
Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mandalay
Kalewa - Kindat - Sittaung - Khamti - Homalin
Homalin - Khamti - Sittaung - Kindat - Kalewa
Rangoon - Bassein - Rangoon
Prome - Minhla Forts and Magwe - Sale Monasteries - Pagan - Yandabo - Mandalay and Amarapura - Tagaung Ancient City and Tigyang Hill - Katha - Mandalay
Monywa - Phowin Taung - Kyauk Ka Village - Kanee - Mingkin - Kalewa - Mawlaik - Kalewa - Mandalay - Kyauk - Myoung - Khanyat - Katha - Kyunt Daw island - Tahaung - Mingun - Ava - Bagan
- There are 5 people in my group, how will you arrange cabins/hotels for us
- When the low water season in Mekong
- Any cruise crossing border between Laos and Cambodia
- When is the best time to take cruise in Mekong River
- Is it safe to travel on Mekong River?
- It shown up the different cruise to the one I have booked, what'd happened
- Why others on the same cruise paid and get the different services and prices to us