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The Irrawaddy: Yangon - Mandalay 15 Days

Cruise Ship:
PromeMinhla Forts and MagweSale MonasteriesPaganYandaboMandalay and AmarapuraTagaung Ancient City and Tigyang HillKathaMandalay
15 days, 14 nights

Ply from Yangoon to the delightful city of Prome on the edge of the Delta to Mandalay and Mingun. Daily stops include tours of the historic capitals of Pagan with its 3,000 monuments, and Mandalay with its royal palace and many sites around the city, particularly on the river. We will pass from the lush teak forests around Prome, through the near desert of Middle Burma before we reach the former King’s capital Mandalay. Optional stays in Rangoon the capital with transfers and flights are offered as an add on to the cruise.

Fill your choice
The Golden Land Downstream Mandalay - Yangon 11 days The Golden Land Downstream Mandalay - Yangon 11 days

Mandalay - Yandabo - Pagan - Magwe - Minhla - Prome - KaukTaung - Danupyu - Twante

The Golden Land Upstream Prome - Mandalay 11 days The Golden Land Upstream Prome - Mandalay 11 days

Prome - Thayetmyo - Magwe - Sale - Tan-Chi-Taung - Pagan - Yandabo - Mandalay - Mingun -

Downstream Pagan and the Upper Irrawaddy: Mandalay - Pagan 11 days Downstream Pagan and the Upper Irrawaddy: Mandalay - Pagan 11 days

Mandalay - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Ava - Pagan

Upstream Pagan and the Upper Irrawaddy: Pagan - Mandalay 11 days Upstream Pagan and the Upper Irrawaddy: Pagan - Mandalay 11 days

Pagan - Yandabo - Amarapura - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Mandalay

Downstream The Chindwin: Homalin - Monywa 8 days Downstream The Chindwin: Homalin - Monywa 8 days

Homalin - Toungdoot - Sitthaung - Mawlaik - Mingkin - Monywa - Phowin Taung - Monywa

 Upstream The Chindwin: Monywa - Homalin 8 days Upstream The Chindwin: Monywa - Homalin 8 days

Monywa - Phowin Taung - Cruising - Mingkin - Mawlaik - Sitthaung - Toungdoot - Homalin

Downstream: Mandalay Pagan Packet 8 days Downstream: Mandalay Pagan Packet 8 days

Mandalay - Mingun - Kyauk-myoung - Ava - Yandabo - Pakokku - Pagan

Upstream: Pagan - Mandalay Packet 8 days Upstream: Pagan - Mandalay Packet 8 days

Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mingun. - Mandalay -

Downstream Mandalay - Pagan 5 days Downstream Mandalay - Pagan 5 days

Mandalay - Ava - Yandabo - Pakokku - Pagan

Upstream Pagan - Mandalay 5 days Upstream Pagan - Mandalay 5 days

Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mandalay

Upstream A Voyage To Nagaland:  Kalewa - Homalin 8 Days Upstream A Voyage To Nagaland: Kalewa - Homalin 8 Days

Kalewa - Kindat - Sittaung - Khamti - Homalin

Downstream A Voyage To Nagaland: Homalin -  Kalewa 8 Days Downstream A Voyage To Nagaland: Homalin - Kalewa 8 Days

Homalin - Khamti - Sittaung - Kindat - Kalewa

The Great Irrawaddy Delta 8 Days The Great Irrawaddy Delta 8 Days

Rangoon - Bassein - Rangoon

Chindwin & The Upper Irrawaddy: Monywa - Pagan 18 Days Chindwin & The Upper Irrawaddy: Monywa - Pagan 18 Days

Monywa - Phowin Taung - Kyauk Ka Village - Kanee - Mingkin - Kalewa - Mawlaik - Kalewa - Mandalay - Kyauk - Myoung - Khanyat - Katha - Kyunt Daw island - Tahaung - Mingun - Ava - Bagan

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Call us: +84 34 469 8988