The Golden Land Upstream Prome - Mandalay 11 days
This is a very different Burma cruise. Sailing through the heart of ‘Middle Myanmar’ we pass through a varying landscape – from the lush teak plantations around Prome to the desert country south of Pagan. We visit a number of small villages and towns and see local agriculture and manufacturing at first hand. These places are remote from the modern world and offer a glimpse of a timeless, lost Myanmar far from the usual tourist track. We also visit a number of old monasteries and temples of art historical interest in this the cultural heartland of old Myanmar.
Tours of Pandaw Myanmar
Mandalay - Yandabo - Pagan - Magwe - Minhla - Prome - KaukTaung - Danupyu - Twante
Mandalay - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Ava - Pagan
Pagan - Yandabo - Amarapura - Kyauk-myoung - Khan-nyat - Katha - Kyun Daw - Defile - Tagaung - Mingun - Mandalay
Homalin - Toungdoot - Sitthaung - Mawlaik - Mingkin - Monywa - Phowin Taung - Monywa
Monywa - Phowin Taung - Cruising - Mingkin - Mawlaik - Sitthaung - Toungdoot - Homalin
Mandalay - Mingun - Kyauk-myoung - Ava - Yandabo - Pakokku - Pagan
Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mingun. - Mandalay -
Mandalay - Ava - Yandabo - Pakokku - Pagan
Pagan - Pakokku - Yandabo - Ava - Mandalay
Kalewa - Kindat - Sittaung - Khamti - Homalin
Homalin - Khamti - Sittaung - Kindat - Kalewa
Rangoon - Bassein - Rangoon
Prome - Minhla Forts and Magwe - Sale Monasteries - Pagan - Yandabo - Mandalay and Amarapura - Tagaung Ancient City and Tigyang Hill - Katha - Mandalay
Monywa - Phowin Taung - Kyauk Ka Village - Kanee - Mingkin - Kalewa - Mawlaik - Kalewa - Mandalay - Kyauk - Myoung - Khanyat - Katha - Kyunt Daw island - Tahaung - Mingun - Ava - Bagan
- There are 5 people in my group, how will you arrange cabins/hotels for us
- When the low water season in Mekong
- Any cruise crossing border between Laos and Cambodia
- When is the best time to take cruise in Mekong River
- Is it safe to travel on Mekong River?
- It shown up the different cruise to the one I have booked, what'd happened
- Why others on the same cruise paid and get the different services and prices to us